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Beer & Hymns

Tue, Sep 19


Scenic City Cigars and Social

Join us for beer, fellowship, and hymn singing! This monthly gathering is being organized by men from a few different churches and denominations in town.

Time & Location

Sep 19, 2023, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Scenic City Cigars and Social, 7912 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421, USA

About The Event

What's this all about?

  1. Fellowship with Christian brothers in the greater Chattanooga area.
  2. We sing praises to the Triune God. Our primary mission is simply joyful praise.
  3. Secondary missions include getting used to singing loudly as men, bringing friends to get them happy about singing loudly also, rejoicing in each other's company, and sharing a beer with friends and companions-in-song.
  4. This is not a choir or musical training. Volume and gusto are our highest aesthetic aims!

We'll sing great hymns. Music will be made available.


  • What: Beer & Hymns 
  • When: Tuesday, 9/19 @ 7pm 
  • Where: Scenic City Cigars & Social, 7912 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421 
  • Who: Any and all of our brothers (21+) in Christ 


  1. Bring a beer to share with someone else!
  2. Bring $3-$5 to tip the establishment or purchase a cigar (so they will like us and want us back!)
  3. Sing loudly!

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