About US
Trinity Reformed Church, Chattanooga, TN, is a Mission Church of Trinity Reformed Church in Huntsville, AL. Our church membership is made up of Protestant, Reformed, and Evangelical believers focused upon worshipping God, growing strong Christian families, fostering robust community, serving others, and proclaiming the lordship of Christ Jesus over all of life.
We submit to the teaching of the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura), as capably reflected in the Westminster Standards. As a confessional church, we hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647 AD) and the historic creeds—the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed (381 AD), the Definition of Chalcedon, and the Athanasian Creed. Click here to read the various creeds and confessions of the CREC.
TRC Chattanooga Constitution & Bylaws​ - If you are interested in joining our mission here in Chattanooga, check out our membership page and contact our elders below.​​​​
What to expect
TRC Chattanooga Sample Liturgy
Each Lord’s Day God’s people are called into His presence, to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Because of Christ’s work on our behalf, we can come before Him, singing and praying with joy, reverence, and godly fear. After the call to worship, we confess our sins, confess our faith, hear God’s word read, hear teaching on God's word in the homily, share in the Lord's table (communion), and are commissioned to go out into the world and share God’s blessings with those around us.
At TRC Chattanooga you will hear the sound of little children in worship. It is one of our loving convictions that our children worship with us, since the kingdom of God belongs to them as much as it does to the rest of us. Sometimes infants and toddlers need to step out with a parent during the service, but we encourage parents to quickly return with their children as soon as they are calm and ready. It is normal and understood that during the preaching of the word this will happen, so no parent should feel bad or embarrassed when they need to take a child out and then return again.
By keeping our children with us in worship, they learn the joy of a relationship with God as they watch his people all around them giving him glory; we want them to learn how to sing, pray, listen, and commune together with the Triune God. Covenant children are a heritage from the Lord and we are training them to stand up to God’s enemies (Psalm 127:3-5).
So join us on Sundays for worship and don't hesitate to ask for advice from other families and members if you are not accustomed to​​​​ something we do regularly at TRC Chattanooga. We welcome you with joy and would love the opportunity to serve you in Chattanooga, TN.
Meet the SESSION
For more information, reach out to our team of elders: